Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Polymer Concrete Compostie

Polymer Concrete Composite

 These are produced using polymers with cement, Sand, or aggregates. The addition of polymers been shown to improve its compressive strength, fatigue resistance, impact, and durability.

 The development of concrete-polymer composite materials is directed at both improved and new materials by combining the well-known technology of hydraulic cement concrete formation with the modern technology of hydraulic cement concrete formation with the modern technology of polymers. It should be noted that combinations of siliceous materials with polymers require, in many cases, lower energy inputs per unit of performance than either component alone as in the diagram

A wide range of concrete-polymer composites is being investigated, although only some of them are already being applied. The most important are the following-

  • Polymer impregnated cocnrete 
  • Polymer concrete
  • Fiber-reinforced concrete
  • Polymer-cement concrete
  • Fiber-reinforced polymer concrete

Polymer-impregnated Concrete

  Polymer-impregnated concrete is a precast and cured hydrated cement cocnrete which has been impregnated with a monomer, which is subsequently polymerized in situ. This type of cement composite is the most developed of polymer-concrete products.

 The largest improvement in structural and durability properties has been obtained with this composite system. IN the presence of a high polymer phase., the compressive strength can be increased four times or more, water absorption is reduced by 99%, the freeze-thaw resistance is enormously improved, and in contrast to conventional cocnrete, polymer impregnated cocnrete exhibits, essentially zero creep properties.

  The system becomes more complex when the polymer is added to concrete. The high polymer fills the pores of the hardened cement paste phase, creating still another composite, the hardened cement paste-polymer system. The system can be considered to be a composite to be a composite of coarse and fine aggregate in a matrix of impregnated cement.

 The chemical materials required for producing polymer-concrete system are relatively new to the construction industry. For this reason, it is very important to have a good knowledge of their properties, their hazards, and the safety precautions required,. Safety procedures should be carefully followed. Whenever different chemical for polymer-concrete composites is used.

 PIC is generally prepared by impregnating dry precast cocnrete with a liquid monomer, and polymerizing the monomer in situ by thermal, catalytic or radiation methods, some of the most widely used for polymer concrete systems included are methyl methacrylate(MMA), styrene (S) butyl trimethylpentane trimethylacetate (IMPTMA). These monomers may be used alone or in mixtures, Unsaturated plyester0styrene is a very common system for polymer concrete composites.

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